The I/O Force Status in a Redundancy CPU ka2QA0000000bSbYAI | Emerson Customer Center

The I/O Force Status in a Redundancy CPU


The I/O FORCE LED on a CPU and #OVR_PRE %S reference, which indicates whether one or more overrides are active, are not supported by PACSystems Redundancy CPU. So When you override a bit reference, the I/O force LED of CPU could not light on and #OVR_PRE %S reference should not be used in Logic to reflect the I/O force status.

If you want to know the I/O force status in a Redundancy CPU, you can check with the Forces in Controller report in PME.


To generate a Forces in Controller report, see the steps below:

With Machine Edition Logic Developer, go online to the CPU,then select Target > Online Commands > Show Forces in Controller. The Forces in Controller report is generated and appears in the InfoViewer.