The GSDML file used in a configuration may be older than the current available version.
This article talks about how to update the existing GSDML file to a newer version.
For example, this target has 3 IC695PNS001 scanners in the configuration.
The GSDML file version of scanner device 1 is shown as in yellow.

1. To update the version of the GSDML, right click on a scanner and choose "Change GSDML"

2. From the "New GSDML" picklist , there will be a list of available GSDML files. The amount of options will
be based off how many GSDML files are present in the user's profinet toolchest drawer.
In this example, we have 3 choices, the newest version will be the one ending in 20170109.xml .
Select this file and then check all scanner nodes to update all scanners to the new version and then choose OK to update.

3. If you have a newer GSDML file , but it doesn't show up in the list, you can import it by selecting
'Have GSDML' button, then it should show up in the picklist of options.
The GSDML file used in a configuration may be older than the current available version.
This article talks about how to update the existing GSDML file to a newer version.
For example, this target has 3 IC695PNS001 scanners in the configuration.
The GSDML file version of scanner device 1 is shown as in yellow.
1. To update the version of the GSDML, right click on a scanner and choose "Change GSDML"
2. From the "New GSDML" picklist , there will be a list of available GSDML files. The amount of options will
be based off how many GSDML files are present in the user's profinet toolchest drawer.
In this example, we have 3 choices, the newest version will be the one ending in 20170109.xml .
Select this file and then check all scanner nodes to update all scanners to the new version and then choose OK to update.
3. If you have a newer GSDML file , but it doesn't show up in the list, you can import it by selecting
'Have GSDML' button, then it should show up in the picklist of options.