How to update GSDML files to a newer version ka21t0000008WEMAA2 | Emerson Customer Center

How to update GSDML files to a newer version


The GSDML file used in a configuration may be older than the current available version.

This article talks about how to update the existing GSDML file to a newer version.


For example, this target has 3 IC695PNS001 scanners in the configuration.

The GSDML file version of scanner device 1 is shown as in yellow.

1. To update the version of the GSDML, right click on a scanner and choose "Change GSDML"

2. From the "New GSDML" picklist , there will be a list of available GSDML files. The amount of options will
be based off how many GSDML files are present in the user's profinet toolchest drawer.

In this example, we have 3 choices, the newest version will be the one ending in 20170109.xml .
Select this file and then check all scanner nodes to update all scanners to the new version and then choose OK to update.

3. If you have a newer GSDML file , but it doesn't show up in the list, you can import it by selecting
'Have GSDML' button, then it should show up in the picklist of options.