OPC UA provides three authentication methods to logon to a server:- Anonymous
- Username/Password
- Certificated-based
However, the OPC UA Server in Rxi or Rx3i Controllers does not support Certificated-based authentication
How to configure Rxi/Rx3i to allow Anonymous connections
In order to provide Anonymous authentication, the controller should be configured with the property "Passwords" in the Setting tab as Disabled.If this configuration is used in the Rxi/Rx3i, then no Username and password need to be provided in the OPC UA Client side
How to configure Rxi/Rx3i to use an UserName/Password
- OpcUserLevel4. It allows access to Level4
- OpcUserLevel3. It allows access to Level3
- OpcUserLevel2. It allows access to Level2
- In order to assign the password to the Usernames: Select Target, then Online Commands, Show Status.
- Then select the Protection Tab and click the Password button
- Now, you can set the passwords for each of the levels (see note below)
- After that, in the OPC UA Client, an Username/Password should be provided in order to get access to the data.
Note: Once the passwords have been set to the different levels, the password will be needed in PME, in order to gain access for any of the level